Bentley Descartes 2023

Reality Mesh Attachments Dialog

Used to attach and manipulate reality meshes.

You can open this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Attach > Reality Mesh dialog launcher
Show Hierarchy
When on, displays a tree that shows the active file and references that are directly attached to it. When the tree is turned off, you can use the arrow button next to the Show Hierarchy icon to list the active file and any references that are directly attached to it.
Attach Reality Mesh
Opens the Attach Reality Mesh dialog from where you can attach a reality mesh by either entering the URL or browsing to a reality mesh file.
Detach Reality Mesh
Detaches the selected reality mesh.
Clip Reality Mesh
Clips a reality mesh to the interior of an existing element.
Mask Reality Mesh
Covers a portion of a reference that is inside a boundary.
Split Reality Mesh
Splits a reality mesh into two meshes representing interior and exterior of an existing element.
Delete Clip
Deletes one or more clips.
Hilite Mode Controls whether the selected references are highlighted and surrounded by a border.
  • None - Selected references are not highlighted in any way.
  • Boundaries - Places a dashed border around selected references.
Reality Mesh Attachment upper list box Lists the reality mesh attachments for the current model. For each reference, the following columns are displayed by default:
  • File Name - The file name for the reality mesh attachment.
  • Active Classifier - The name of the Active Classifier (or none).
  • Export Resolution - Controls the resolution when the reality mesh is exported.
  • Transparency (icon) - Sets the degree of transparency to be applied to the reality mesh.
  • Display (icon) - If off, omits the reality mesh display in all views.
  • Snap (icon) - If off, makes the reality mesh unsnappable.
  • Locate (icon) - If off, makes the reality mesh not locatable by tools.
All the entries in this list are editable. For example, double-click on the File Name entry to select an alternate reality mesh file.
Tools > Attach Opens the Attach Reality Mesh dialog from where you can attach a reality mesh by either entering the URL or browsing to a reality mesh file.
Tools > Detach Detaches the selected reality mesh attachment.
Tools > Detach All Detaches all the reality mesh attachments.
Tools > Clip Clips a reality mesh to the interior of an existing element.
Tool > Mask Covers a portion of a reference that is inside a boundary.
Tools > Split Splits a reality mesh into two meshes representing interior and exterior of an existing element.
Tools > Remove Clipping Deletes one or more clips.